Spring Roof Cleaning Tips

shingles blown loose

After a long winter, New Englanders are excited to let the Spring cleanup begin! Although the lists tend to be long, cleaning your roof is one item that should never be overlooked. As the best roofers in Massachusetts, our team at Adam V. knows what it takes to keep the integrity of your roof intact.  In this article, we’re giving you a few items to add to that honey-do list this spring. Eye rolling aside, we promise you’ll thank us when years from now your roof is in tip-top shape!

Tree limb removal

Winter ice storms and strong winds can bring down branches. Although these branches may seem out of the way, they can cause significant damage to your roof if left unattended.  Furthermore, you’ll want to trim back branches that overhang your rooftop.  Not only do branches cause damage by scraping your roofing materials, but they also can penetrate the surface allowing water to enter.

Debris removal

Leaves and pine needles are two of the most common elements that collect on rooftops during the fall and winter seasons.  Left to pile up, these elements add weight and collect moisture in the gutter system as well as the rooftop.  As we all know, when left in its natural state, moisture leads to mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew lead to a variety of health concerns for both you and your family.

Mold and moss removal

Beyond the health concerns of mold and mildew, the integrity of your roof may also be compromised by mold growth. In the event that moisture problems escalate into these unattractive and potentially dangerous growths, prompt cleaning to prevent further damage is imperative. With a 50:50 mixture of chlorinated bleach and water, you can create an effective DIY moss removal cleaner.

Replace missing pieces

Protecting your home is priority number one.  Water is potentially enemy number one. By inspecting your roof and making necessary repairs, you can keep moisture out. Items like missing shingles or flashing are a prime resource for water penetration into the home.  By allowing water to enter, you may be looking at expensive repairs involving an interior wall, structure, and foundational damage.


Whether you’re in need of roof repairs or replacement, the team at Adam Vaillancourt Roofing is here to help. Family-owned and operated since 2004, our team is trained and certified to provide you with the best materials and services in the industry. Your home deserves the best roofers in Massachusetts, and the team at Adam V. is just that.  Start your spring out with peace of mind, contact us today at (866) 636-0006.